Pre-primary Classes
English, Mathematics, Hindi, GK, Art & Craft, Physical Education, Music.
Secondary Classes
Scholastic Areas: English, Mathematics, General Science, Hindi, Odia, Sanskrit, Social Sciences.
Co-Scholastic Areas: Life Skills, Work Education, Visual and Performing Arts, Activities, H.P.E.R. & SoftSkills.
Senior Secondary Classes (Science & Commerce)
Science: English, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Computer Science or Biology.
Commerce: English, Accountancy, Business Studies, Economics, Mathematics or Computer Science.
L.K.G to Std. V: Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) is carried out and a report card is given at the end of each term.
Std. VI to X: Two Formative assessments and one Summative assessment at the end of each of the two terms are conducted.
Std. XI: Terminal evaluation and continuous Monday tests are held.
Std. XII: Mid Term, Half Yearly Evaluation & Pre-Board I & II are held. Monthly tests are conducted from class I to XII
Parent Teacher Interaction (PTI)
PTI are conducted on Saturdays at least one in each term or otherwise notified.
Classes XI & XII: PTI is conducted on either 1st or 3rd Saturdays of each month from 09:15 A.M to 10:30 A.M. unless otherwise notified.
School Timing (Monday to Saturday)
L.K.G to Std.I: 07:40 A.M - 11:40 A.M
Std.II to Std.XII: 07:40 A.M - 01:40 PM